Vassilios Mamalis

He was born in 1970. He obtained his Diploma (in Computer Engineering and Informatics) as well as his Ph.D. from the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras (Greece), in 1993 and 1998 respectively. He has worked for almost ten years (from 1994 to 2004) in Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (RACTI) of Patras, as a researcher / computer engineer. He currently teaches at the University of West Attica (UniWA), Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, as a full Professor. He also teaches in the Hellenic Open University (HOU), Department of Informatics, as an external academic partner. His research interests include information retrieval, document & knowledge management, parallel algorithms & architectures, distributed systems & databases, multiprocessor operating systems, wireless sensor networks, cloud computing and internet of things. He has a lot of publications in international journals, books and conferences, and also he has been a reviewer of many articles of international journals and conference proceedings in the above mentioned research areas. He has also participated in many research programs of the European Union and the Greek Government

Κ16.118, Κ16, Campus 1
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